Support & Connect is a service delivered in partnership by the charities, Mind in Camden and Likewise, that provides a flexible and person-centred approach to individual mental health support.
As part of Support & Connect, you are able to access support for emotional, practical, and social needs; whilst aiming to connect you to local community spaces. Support & Connect is also a unique service because of its position in the NHS Camden Mental Health Core Teams, which allows support workers to work collaboratively with other NHS professionals in support of your needs.
Support & Connect takes a relationship-first approach where support workers get to know you, understanding your interests, strengths, needs, values, and goals. The service aims to create a collaborative and safe space to help you get the most out of your sessions and build up your support network. We believe it’s important to work together to maintain your autonomy and empower you. We aim to work with you, not for you.
Below are some examples of the kinds of work we do.
Provide an active and reflective listening space
Offer resources to help
understand and cope with day-to-day
Build a relationship that is supportive and collaborative
Discuss and work on practical admin together in sessions
Liaise, refer, and signpost to services like:
- Legal support
- Housing
- Financial
- Employment
- Education
Liaison with professionals in the NHS core team and your GP practice
Provide referrals and signposting to a variety of mental health groups and activities in the community
Signposting to community
organisations based on your needs and interests
Creating connections with volunteers and services that create community support
The project also includes capacity building elements to enhance and further develop collaborative services, particularly around community engagement, welfare rights support and enhancing learning.
All referrals to our service must come via the Camden Mental Health Core Teams referral pathway. Please speak to your GP if you think this service might be helpful for you
Community Development Workers
Community development workers within the Core Teams aim to improve the holistic wellbeing of residents across Camden. This involves community outreach, raising awareness of services, activities and organisations, and co-designing projects with residents or existing communities. If you are interested in working with one of the community development workers in any of these areas, please contact them using the following details:
- Arlo Kean - [email protected]
- Joe Steele - [email protected]
- Mohamed Fadlelbari- [email protected]